Published on: March 30, 2023
ACS grantee, Wei Gao, PhD, tests a sweat sensor to see if it quickly IDs a personalized dose for 2 chemotherapy drugs that AML patients receive before a stem cell transplant.
Published on: February 10, 2023
Wei Gao, PhD, an ACS grantee uses the Internet of Everything to design compact, all-in sweat sensors to collect live data continuously, painlessly—and eventually, at home.
Published on: February 26, 2019
Researchers at the American Cancer Society found that 6 cancers proven to be related to obesity are increasing more rapidly in people younger than 50 than those older than 50. To understand what this study means to you and your loved ones, read these 5 key takeaway messages.
Published on: October 10, 2018
Owen A. O'Connor, MD, PhD, was awarded the prestigious American Cancer Society Clinical Research Professor grant in July 2018. He was selected because of his expertise and ongoing work to develop drugs to improve treatments for people with Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas.. He's a professor and researcher at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, New York.